Graciela Rodriguez Garcia

Graciela has a Clinical License in Social Work and is currently obtaining her PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development. In 2010, she co-founded the Napa Valley Dream Team, a local grassroots organization that advocates for the rights of immigrant families. She co-published the Book DREAM, a recompilation of veridical stories of undocumented youth and their parents. Her commitment to serve the immigrant community continues to be reflected in joining efforts to bring the North Bay Rapid Response to Napa County which includes a 24/7 phone line available to support immigrant families who are in contact with immigration agents by providing them information about their rights and referrals to resources in their community.

In 2013, she was awarded the first ever CanDo Spirit Award where she was recognized as “a young, exceptional non-profit employee in Napa County.”

Currently, she provides specialized mental health treatment to children ages 0-18. She is trained in Child-Parent Psychotherapy, an evidence-based practice to serve children 0-5 who have experienced a traumatic event. She is a fellow from the UC Davis Napa Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellowship, an intensive, interdisciplinary training program with the latest thinking and research on models of care, and to support a deep understanding of relationship-based therapies.

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