Monica Koenig

Monica Koenig is a Health Services Nursing Supervisor and the Perinatal Services Coordinator for the Napa County Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Home Visiting program.

The MCAH program, includes both Public Health Nurses (PHNs) and Perinatal Outreach Educators (POE). The MCAH Home Visiting program utilizes a Trauma Informed Approach (TIA) to make home visits to income eligible pregnant women and families and work with community organizations and medical providers to improve access to quality prenatal, medical, dental, and mental health care for low-to-moderate income families.

Monica is a Registered Nurse with a certificate in Public Health Nursing and has worked in Public Health for over 20 years. She has two adult children and enjoys hiking, bike-riding and roller-blading in her free time.

She believes that public health services connect us all and that public health helps to improve our quality of life.

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