Our Commission
The First 5 Napa County Children and Families Commission meets the fourth Monday of each month at 3:00pm.
Our Commission
The First 5 Napa County Children and Families Commission meets the fourth Monday of each month at 3:00pm.
Please see our Commission Meeting Schedule for time and location detail.
Meet our Commission Members.
Meet our Commissioners
Monica Koenig
First 5 Co-Chair
Health Services Nursing Supervisor
Napa County Health and Human Services
Commission Documents
Commision Meeting Packet MBSeptember 2023-Agenda&Materials13.6 MBAugust 2023-Agenda and Materials323.4 KBJune 2023- Agenda and Materials1.3 MBMay 2023-Agenda and Materials-UPDATED6.5 MBMay 2023-Agenda and Materials6.5 MBAgenda-April 202381.6 KBAgenda-April 2023 SPANISH_82.6 KBAgenda-April 2023-58.2 KBAgenda-March 202394.2 KBAgenda-February 2023-UPDATED81.0 KBAgenda-February 202380.5 KBAgenda-January 202379.5 KB
January Agenda UPDATED ZOOM LINK103.6 KBAgenda-December 202177.8 KBAgenda-October 25 202173.0 KBAgenda-September 202198.3 KBAgenda-August 202179.8 KBAgenda - June 28 202193.2 KBAgenda - May 24 202193.1 KBAgenda - April 26 202194.8 KBAgenda - March 22 2021115.1 KBAgenda - February 22 2021130.7 KBAgenda - January 25 2021116.0 KB
Agenda - December 14 2020150.2 KBAgenda - November 23 2020109.2 KBAgenda - October 26 202099.4 KBAgenda - September 28, 2020107.6 KBAgenda - August 24, 202093.6 KBAgenda - July 27, 2020116.4 KBAgenda - June 22, 202094.5 KBAgenda - May 18, 202083.3 KBAgenda - April 27, 202093.6 KBAgenda - March 23, 202082.3 KBAgenda - February 24, 202072.9 KBAgenda - January 27, 202070.7 KB
Agenda - December 16, 201971.5 KBAgenda - November 25, 201983.5 KBAgenda - October 28, 201974.8 KBAgenda - September 23, 201965.9 KBAgenda - August 26, 201971.5 KBAgenda - July 22, 201984.0 KBAgenda - June 24, 201970.3 KBAgenda - May 20, 201970.8 KBAgenda - April 22, 201963.9 KBAgenda - March 25, 201977.3 KBAgenda - February 25, 201982.9 KBAgenda - January 28, 201973.7 KB
Meeting Minutes
Minutes -October 202372.2 KBMinutes -October 202373.5 KBMinutes - August 202380.5 KBMinutes -June 202369.1 KBMinutes -May 202360.1 KBApril 2023 Minutes-English_Spanish96.2 KBMinutes -March 202359.8 KBMinutes - March 2023 - Spanish58.8 KBMinutes -March 202377.7 KBMinutes -February 202346.8 KBMinutes -January 202357.2 KB
Minutes -December 2021123.7 KBMinutes -October 202166.7 KBMinutes -Septmeber 27 2021115.9 KBMinutes - August 23 2021104.4 KBJune 2021-Minutes93.1 KBMinutes- May 24 202189.4 KBMinutes - April 26 2021106.0 KBMinutes - March 22 202190.0 KBMinutes - February 22 2021118.6 KBMinutes - January 25 2021124.5 KB
Minutes - December 14 2020128.7 KBMinutes - November 23 2020121.7 KBMinutes - October 26 202094.8 KBMinutes - September 28 2020108.6 KBMinutes - August 24, 2020106.5 KBMinutes - July 27, 2020104.2 KBMinutes - June 22, 202092.5 KBMinutes - May 18, 2020109.6 KBMinutes - April 27, 2020107.6 KBMinutes - March 23, 202097.7 KBMinutes - February, 24 202083.6 KBMinutes - January 27, 202097.7 KB
Minutes - December 16 201988.9 KBMinutes - November 25, 201991.4 KBMinutes - October 28, 201987.6 KBMinutes - September 23, 201985.2 KBMinutes - August 26, 201990.4 KBMinutes - July 22, 201996.4 KBMinutes - June 24, 201994.3 KBMinutes - May 20, 201989.0 KBMinutes - April 22, 201999.3 KBMinutes - March 25, 2019104.1 KBMinutes - February 25, 2019103.7 KBMinutes - January 28, 201999.4 KB
F5 Napa County ED Job Description1.4 MBResolution Of The 5 Napa County First 5 Children And Families Commission568.6 KBRFA-Application-English and Spanish592.7 KBExecutive Assistant68.5 KBPrograms Coordinator 2023109.1 KBFirst 5 Press Release 01-31-202339.8 KBResolution Of The 5 Napa County First 5 Children And Families Commission568.6 KBFirst 5 Napa Program Evaluation Summary Report 2020-2021 FINAL2.7 MBFirst 5 Napa County Strategic Planning RFP310.9 KB2022 Commission Meeting Schedule70.4 KBMeeting Schedule 2021 updated74.0 KBFive Year Community Plan 2021385.4 KBFirst 5 Napa Annual Evaluation Report 2018-20191.6 MBNapa County Children and Families Commission Financial Statements Year Ended June 30, 2020336.4 KB
Commission Meetings Calendar
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
November |
December |